I Lost 27 Pounds My First Month Using These FREE Amazing Fat Blaster Products

All craziest to the side...This Dog Gone Stuff Really Works!!

Hello friends!.. and welcome to my extreme fat loss story blog. I have decided to put up this blog to let my friends and others know about my progress and inspire others to lose weight just like I did.

Here Is My Story...

My name is Reeda and I'm just a wife and loving mother who unintentionally became overweight along the way. I gained over 80 when pregnant with my baby, and that really had an impact on my entire life.

I stopped going out with my best friend and just stayed at home most of the time. For almost 2 years I would just go to the grocery store and then go home to take care of my baby. I didn't have time for "me." I couldn't make myself exercise, let alone afford to go to a gym.

It was harsh and I never thought I would be able to lose weight and look my best "again."

Then one day I watched the Oprah show and I got this really cool idea that I needed to try out. I am not sure if you watch Oprah but she had a guest speaker Dr. Oz.

Dr. Oz is a well known doctor who received several patents and published over 400 original publications. Besides... Oprah wouldn't have him on the show if he was some pie out of the sky doc.

Anyway, they talked about the benefits of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse weight loss supplements. According to Dr. Oz the acai berry will drastically increase your energy level while reducing hunger.

The funny part was; I just seen that same man on CNN about 2 weeks before that.

At first it kind of sounded almost too good to be true but since it was on these two shows, I decided to get some more information regarding those 2 supplements. The reason why I was so skeptical was that I have tried everything else before... trust me.

I have tried all kinds of weight loss diets from Atkins to South Beach. I have tried all kinds of weight loss supplements and pills but nothing really worked for me.

Even when I was taking some Hoodia supplements I couldn't kill the fat. In fact, I felt like I was still gaining more pounds because my appetite was like a huge monster.

My Life Changing Experience

When I watched the Oprah show with Dr. Oz I had this idea about combining the two products they were talking about to create my own system that would help me lose weight fast without exercising too much.

Dr. Oz said that acai berry will dramatically increase your metabolism and reduce hunger which is going to allow you to lose weight fairly quickly without all the hard work.

Anyway, after the show I got on my PC and did some research online to get a better idea how this works and where I can get the Acai Berry Supplements and the Colon Cleanse product.

To my surprise I was able to find two sites that offered free trials of the 2 supplements.

Here they are...

I highly suggest you to go ahead and get yours right now before they close down this offer.

Anyway, I ordered mine as soon as I saw it and got it in the mail within just a few days.

I was so excited when I got the package :), trust me you will be too. I opened it up and read all the stuff that came with it right away.

Ok Here Is The Plan

Step #1 - Acai Berry Supplement - This is the key to making this work. Without Acai I wouldn't be able to lose weight so fast. The benefits of this product are absolutely amazing and if you watched the latest news on CNN, Fox and Oprah show then you probably already know how great this fruit is.

So Acai Berry And Colon Cleanse will help me:

- Regulate my metabolism

- Reduce hunger during the day (it does work! I stopped feeling hungry almost immediately)

- Boost my energy so I can concentrate on my other everyday tasks like taking care of my kids, house work etc.

- Lose weight by replacing the Pop and Coffe with the Acai Berry Tea.

Keep in mind that I got the Acai Berry for FREE as well as the Colon Cleanse, so I really didn't need to spend a lot of money on this amazing and powerful system.

Check out this video clip from FOX News regarding the Acai Berry Weigt Loss Supplement...

Step #2 - Colon Cleanse Supplements is the next very important ingredient in my system. While the Acai Berry helps suppress my hunger and makes me more energetic, the Colon Cleanse Supplement:

- Flushes out all the harmful toxins from my body

- Removes walls of aged sludge in my colon

- Helped reduce my cholesterol levels and blood pressure

- Helped me lose several inches off my waist that I couldn't do with exercise

- Helped me reduce the risk of colon cancer

There are many other great benefits of the Colon Cleanse Supplement. Check out this video from CBS News...

I was able to get a free bottle of Colon Cleanse Supplement and I take it 2 times per day (one in the morning and one evening time) with the Acai Berry Supplement.

Both of them in this specific combination make the perfect weight loss solution. It helped me lose all the extra pounds plus I got rid off all the bad toxins in my body. It really makes a huge difference after you take it for a few days...you'll see :)

My Results...

After I had my daughter, I was a solid 233 pounds, and...

  • My face was fat and swollen.
  • My hair was excessively falling out from stress.
  • I was constantly fat and hungry all the time.
  • I felt very weak and sluggish as though I was run down by a moving train.

Now I'm hanging strong at 151 pounds.

OK so the free product samples I got lasted me for about 1 month. During that period of time I lost 27 lbs! Since it was working so well, I decided to continue to use them for another month, and then a third month.

The second month I lost a total of 29 lbs! and the third month I lost 26 pounds. Ladies and gentlemen, this is an amazing feeling. I wish I have done this sooner. (like forever ago)

I can now fit all the nice clothes I had from when I was a teenager. I was so excited to finally fit into one of my favorite faded jeans I couldn't wear for years.

Trust me, when you do this for yourself you will experience the same feeling. It's absolutely amazing.

I feel so much healthier now and more energetic. I actually go out more often now with my best friend and family members. You should see the guy that was checking me out the other night, he was handsome and well..hot!

But he don't have a chance, I'm happily married ya know.

I have a lot more confidence now and feel sexy :) I noticed I am more social and not afraid to start a conversation with a complete stranger.

Without these amazing products this wouldn't be possible. I am so glad I took action and got started with this system. This was the best thing I could have done for my health and looks.

I have never felt so beautiful before. I think I even look better than I did when I was going to school,

In high school I wasn't fat, but I also didn't have the shape I have now. I've got curves now, all in the right places!

I hope my story inspired you and gave you that motivation to actually try the exact step by step weight loss plan I have outlined on this page.

I really wanted to share my story with the world because I believe that if you do the same you will finally lose that unwanted fat and start feeling good and sexy again.

If you have tried every other weight loss plan and diet pill but never got any real results, or if you're feeling hopeless and thinking there is no way out, then seriously do yourself a favor and get these FREE samples and use them.

I promise you that it will do wonders and you will be surprised with the results. In fact, I think the Acai Berry Supplement and Colon Cleanse changed my metabolism completely and now I burn calories fast instead of storing them.

OK, so I found these sites where you can still get these samples for an entire month for FREE. Here they are...

1. Acai Berry Supplement - Free Bottle

2. Colon Cleanse Supplement - Free Bottle

Hey guys, please feel free to post your comments below to report on your progress. I would love to hear your weight loss stories. Let's inspire each other!

bye bye...love you! I'm going skating this weekend with my husband!


  1. Hi Reeda, thanks for sharing your story. I heard about acai berry before but I didn't try it because I was very skeptical.

    Hearing your story motivated me to get both free trials. I just received it 4 days ago and I'm already feeling the more energetic, and I've lost a few pounds without exercising!

    You're right girl...This does feel amazing!

  2. That's great Tina! I felt more energy within the first week too, and I noticed my appetite went down hill a little quicker than I thought.

    I'm glad it's working out for you! Keep me updated on your fat loss mission.

  3. How long is they giving out free trials of both supplements? I really need to lose at least 30 pounds in 45 days, before my wedding day.

    I've never heard of acia berry until now. I hope it works for me. I might order in a couple days or so, or maybe today.

  4. I don't know how long the trials will last, that's why I went ahead and ordered it right away. I figure if I could lose some weight during the trial, it would be well worth it.

    Congratulations on getting married. I hope you reach your weight goal before you tie the knot.

    Then again...I'm sure you'll pull it off with the Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse Combo.

  5. Thank you. I don't plan on walking down the aisle carrying excess weight, so I decided to order acai berry and the colon cleanse today.

    At first I wasn't going to order today, but when I tried to leave the colon cleanse website, I was offered to pay only $1.95 for S&H instead of $4.95. So I just jumped on it and ordered acai berry too.

    I can't wait to get it in the mail.


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